
800+ fights online. Some of 2020 and before are only available offline. Check List of Fights
Check our Twitter X account for latest updates. Link above
See at the bottom of this page how to order via Paypal, and discounts if order is over 50€
February 8/9th 10 Fights for 80€ only until all videos are ready ==> Order here
Next Live Event: Monday July 14th 2025 in Paris, Bastille Day #13

Product Categories = Beautiful Models and Sexy Girls wrestling at their best in real Competitive Fights.
Most of the girls are inexperienced, some are fighting for the very first time. Fights are real, nothing is fake or scripted.
The rules are Pins Only wrestling, no submissions, unless specified otherwise.

DISCOUNT: we remind you that when you order for more than 50€ via PayPal, you can apply a 10€ discount. More than 100€, 20€ discount, more than 150€, 30€ discount, etc…
(note that you cannot apply the above discounts if you purchase the “all fights of an event”, “all fights of a wrestler”, “all fights of a day” or other special offer discounts)

How to order via PayPal?
1. Go to
2. Choose the ‘’Send’’ then ‘’Send money’’ options
3. Put “” as the recipient
4. Add as a note the fight(s) you want to order
We advise that you e-mail us to confirm your order.

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