Sabine (33), France - 5´3” / 106 lbs - 1.61m / 48kg vs Tatiana (28), France - 5´2” / 99 lbs - 1.57m / 45kg Eliza (25), Poland - 5´8” / 113 lbs - 1.74m / 51kg vs Osdalis (27), Venezuela - 5´6” / 124 lbs - 1.67m / 56kg |
Tatiana and Osdalis have already wrestled for ModelsWrestling. You can watch Osdalis on MW001. On the contrary, these are Sabine and Eliza first fights. Who will win? Sabine and Eliza, the novice girls? or the more experienced Tatiana and Osdalis? We know for sure that those who will watch this video will be the ultimate winners! For her wrestling debuts, Sabine shows immediately an instinctive talent. She is fast, she is strong, she is flexible. All of this in a tanned and muscular body. But her opponent, Tatiana, has got the same qualities, and has decided to show who is the boss on the mat! We know that Osdalis, the busty Venezuelian model, always give 100% when she wrestles. Winner or loser, it doesn´t matter for her, she always tries her best. Eliza, who is comming from Milano in Italy, tall and slim, is a very good challenge for Osdalis. The fight lsts for more than 20 minutes and is quite even. |